Soak You In Sunshine EP – Too Many Temples (Signed)


A 6 Track EP autographed by the band – Includes a 12 page CD booklet containing unique artwork, photography & song lyrics. Featuring the songs Ghost Story, Chasing Dragons, Woven, Richer, See You On Fire and Lemon Tree.


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Product info

A 6 Track EP autographed by the band – Includes a 12 page CD booklet containing unique artwork, photography & song lyrics. We’ve got a new CD out featuring 6 brand new tracks, and we’d love you to order it. You got this far, so you might as well come away with something. And, you know, it’s free. And we think it’s pretty good, and hopefully you will too. So, this CD. It wasn’t easy to make. We scrapped, we laughed, we cried, sometimes all at the same time. We put 3 mics on the drum kit, and then 10, and then we realised that 3 sounded better. We recorded guitars live, then we overdubbed them, then we used the original takes. And we wrote lyrics and then he rewrote them. And then we recorded these songs, and then we put this CD together cos we wanted an actual living thing to give to you, cos this is our life and we want you to be a part of it. All we’re asking for is £4.99 which includes shipping, cos we’re doing this all ourselves. We’ve got a ton more songs to record and share with you, so this is just the start of the journey. So buckle up, order your CD and let’s get cracking. Thanks Ranj, Sarb and Tom