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Too Many Temples > Articles by: Ranj

Little Nav

‘You can be a better front man.’ He’s matter of fact about it. I’ve just given everything on stage. Euphoric. And he’s put a pin it. Not sure what to do with this information, I smile and stifle any kind of emotion. I had a weird relationship with Little Nav. I called him Little Nav […]

Practicing non-violence

Sarb didn’t like confrontation. Doesn’t. He’d rock up at mum’s house wearing a polite half-smile, and a non-confrontational collarless shirt. Pastel colours, nothing too strong. Maybe a white one, or a light grey one. He’d speak Punjabi or Hindi softly, not too brash. My family nodded and smiled, and he responded. Nicely. Sarb was nice. […]

Turmeric milk

‘She’s gone inside… And she doesn’t know it, but she’s in danger. That fool is going to ruin her. He is sly – and make sure you eat. You’re looking gaunt – I want to know where my kids are. Tell me where they are. They’ve disappeared. You don’t know the pain of a mother. […]

‘You dribble, you shoot, you hope for the best’

Zaki looked like he should be in a band. That was the first thing I thought as he met us at the door of his grandma’s house in Southall. The journey was familiar. His gran was sweet. In broken English, she made a plea to take care of her baby. I found comfort in this […]

Lemon Tree

The gloom had descended again. Sahib had kept her up all night. Sahib was really young, and he was scared of the dark. He would move away from dark spots in the room or stare at them from the brighter parts of the room. He couldn’t sleep in his own bed. And he was deeply […]


I stood about an inch taller than her. Just enough for her to look up at me on the tube. She was a woman. Her long eye lashes hid her big eyes, but when they got through, they grabbed me and seemingly changed colour. When we found a seat, she planted a kiss on my […]


They got married really young. I don’t even think they were teenagers. Dad didn’t know what he was doing. He had woke up at 7 years old in his dad’s arms under the stars one day to find that his dad had died in his sleep. He went to work the next day. And he […]

Not just a drummer

Sarb sat down in front of the amp. I sat there in front of the Mac. The recording session on the screen. Empty cups of tea from the week scattered across the tea-stained desk. Lyrics drawn on envelopes. ‘Marriage is fucked innit.’ We spoke for about an hour. This was the ritual. Sarb picked up […]

Who’s the King of the Castle?

Rav opened his front door. We exchanged ‘What’s up’s’ and then he called me over with a grunt. ‘Lift me up and pull me Ranj’. His directness is jarring. There is no please. I do as he directs. ‘Lift me up AND PULL ME Ranj…’ ‘Rav you’re directions are rubbish, I’m gonna throw you on […]

The bottom lip

Sarb had the key. I knew it. Sarb knew it. Even Tom knew it. The skag walking past with his rottweiler knew it. Zaki had left to go and do fun stuff by this time. But he would have known it too. Tom: ‘Where’s my key?’Sarb: ‘I dunno.’Tom: ‘Where’s my key, Sarb?’Sarb: ‘I dunno, man.’Tom: […]