Untitled design (81)

And your bird can sing

The sun’s shining for a change. And these birds have congregated on the large tree that backs on to the garden. They’re singing. Chirping. And there’s some semblance of rhythm to it. Though, it’s not metronomic by any stretch. 

And then from the left, I hear this next bird squawking. He’s tapping his feet as he moves on his branch towards the others. Do birds have feet? I dunno. 

Together, they’re causing a bit of a ruckus, its a bit noisy innit, but none of ‘em stop. It all becomes part of the same song. And these birds can sing. And then some angry bird cuts through it all and spins some sort of story. 

What types of birds are these I ask myself. I realise very quickly that it doesn’t matter. But it’s real this, innit?

We made a CD. I dunno why. I know we wanted to, and before all else we do this for ourselves.

And at time during the process, we wondered if we really wanted to do it… cos it was fucking hard.

We scrapped, bled, laughed, cried… sometimes at the same time, on our journey to putting this EP together. We broke up. Before we came back, and then we broke up again, but life got grey. 

And then we had it in our hands. And like it felt when we were kids. When we opened The Beatles CD booklet to read the lyrics to Strawberry Fields as we wondered what John had pondered. Nothing is real.

So many things aren’t anymore…. but this, this is real.

When you find it. And it finds you. You will go through each page as you listen, and then you’ll put it back in the CD and on your shelf, and the pages will curl, and you’ll try to uncurl the pages by placing them in between a big book, but it won’t work. It’s starts to tear.  Nevermind. Infact, good. We want the book to age. That’s what it means to feel. We want you to really feel this.

My little boy asked as we sat in the back garden, ‘What’s a CD anyway?’ Hmmm. I wondered. Just look at the birds mate. And he pondered. And these birds sang.

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And your bird can sing

The sun’s shining for a change. And these birds have congregated on the large tree that backs on to the garden…….

Instagram @ Too Many Temples