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Too Many Temples > Blog > 2023 > July > 28


They got married really young. I don’t even think they were teenagers. Dad didn’t know what he was doing. He had woke up at 7 years old in his dad’s arms under the stars one day to find that his dad had died in his sleep. He went to work the next day. And he […]

Not just a drummer

Sarb sat down in front of the amp. I sat there in front of the Mac. The recording session on the screen. Empty cups of tea from the week scattered across the tea-stained desk. Lyrics drawn on envelopes. ‘Marriage is fucked innit.’ We spoke for about an hour. This was the ritual. Sarb picked up […]

Who’s the King of the Castle?

Rav opened his front door. We exchanged ‘What’s up’s’ and then he called me over with a grunt. ‘Lift me up and pull me Ranj’. His directness is jarring. There is no please. I do as he directs. ‘Lift me up AND PULL ME Ranj…’ ‘Rav you’re directions are rubbish, I’m gonna throw you on […]